Six meetings discharged, the last two with trios. Very few of the personal meetings so far have touched on guitar playing.
The Level One: Martin & Fernando began introducing the A natural minor / C major pentatonic. In our Group Meeting we continued circulating, this time in these keys, singly & in groups of two and three. Martin & Fernando are now about to introduce lateral fingerings. At the end of the meeting, questions were invited. There was only one.
Q. Are you teaching us something?
A. That is not properly a question. It's a statement: Fripp is a teacher. I'm not a teacher.
Q. Well, are you teaching us something?
A. Are you learning anything?
Q. I'm processing.
Fourteen more personal meetings with the Kitchen Team, plus a Group Meeting for Level One. We approached cross-picking for the first time, and began vamping. The Level Ones now have personal meetings with Martin & Fernando. My personal meetings with them begin tomorrow.
I have called Toyah in London to blow her a kiss goodnight, and am suddenly struck by a wave of tiredness.
Several comments and questions from the Level One at dinnertime. Dinner featured gnocci made by Maria Gabriella Epumer, a famous Argentinian guitarist who is visiting us for several days.
Meetings with the Kitchen Team & Level One, both without guitars, addressing observations & questions arising.